A powerful performance: IBM Power9 servers beat the competition

IBM has launched its first systems with the new Power9 processors. Their reliability and high data throughput make them an attractive choice for use in in-memory databases, Big Data analytics and cloud environments. The benchmark values are pretty good too. Per core, the Power9 systems deliver twice the performance compared to solutions based on Intel x86 processors.

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Backups: how to back up your data successfully

A nightmare scenario for companies: important commercial data is lost after a hardware defect, a user error or a cyber-attack – and there was no backup. In the worst case, a loss of data may result in the company going out of business. Therefore, you need a sophisticated strategy for backup, recovery and archiving too.

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Pork, IBM and Blockchain

The basis for bitcoin, cross-border payments or optimised supply chains: blockchain technology can be used in many ways. IBM is one of the pioneers of this technology for secure, direct transactions on the internet. In addition to the technical platform, “Big Blue” is promoting blockchain development in various initiatives, for example, with partners like Walmart for transparency in the pork supply chain.

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Blockchain – the cash book for digital transactions

The crypto-currency bitcoin is inconceivable without blockchain. But the technology for secure, direct transactions in the internet can do more than that. The blockchain principle can also be applied to buying and selling houses, cars or shares, and therefore to every kind of contract. IBM is one of the pioneers of this technology.

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RuP Museum: treasures of the computer revolution

Do you belong to the generation of digital natives? Or can you still remember the times when not every desk had a computer on it? We are continuously fascinated by the computer revolution. At the same time, the rapid progress of digital technology keeps us all on our toes. Whoever is curious about what this engendered in the past should definitely visit our RuP Museum. Read more

Introducing RuP GmbH

If you are looking for tailor-made IT technology, RuP GmbH is the right partner for you. The company has been developing professional IT concepts for large concerns, medium-size enterprises, financial service providers, insurance companies and public authorities since 1986. At our office in Frankfurt Rödermark, around 20 highly-qualified staff work on suitable solutions for their customers.

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